Women Youth Child Development Organization
“We are Building Bright Futures For All Because We Are Equal”

Work & Tour

Coming to Tanzania and volunteering with us will not only give you a chance to work with the locals and support the community, but you will also have the chance to visit the beautiful attractions in the country. Our volunteer's slogan is  "Kazi Na Dawa" in Swahili, which means “Work and relax after work.”


Ruaha National Park

This largest remote park is found in the southern part of Tanzania in the Iringa region, the area where the WYCDO office is located. The convergence of the vegetation zone and river Ruaha, which cross the park, has resulted in an unusual combination of animals, with key animals like elephants, zebras, lions, giraffes, hunting dogs, ostriches, greater and lesser kudu, grant gazelles, striped hyenas, sable and roan antelopes, crocodiles, and hippos mainly in the Ruaha River.



Kilimanjaro mountain

The roof of Africa is located in Tanzania, with a height of 5,895 m, which makes it the highest point in Africa. Being at the top of the mountain is another experience due to its beautiful snow-capped volcano, which you can only see at the top of the mountain.



A beautiful island in Africa with a lot of historic centers and World Heritage Sites like Stone Town. Also called Spice Islands due to the hundreds of species produced within the islands, like clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, and black pepper. With thousands of attractions (islands near the main island), activities to do, and places to visit and relax, like snorkering on Mnemba Island, dolphin tours, swimming with the tortoises, and relaxing at the beautiful beaches of the islands.



Ngorongoro crater

The jewel in the Ngorongoros crown is a deep, volcanic crater, the largest unflooded and unbroken caldera in the world. About 20 kilometers across, the Ngorongoro crater is a breathtaking natural wonder and one of Africa's most famous sites, with the highest density of wildlife in Africa. 
